Online Guide to Streaming Video Services

In the early days of video streaming services, your choice was simple: Get Netflix. It’s more complicated now, with Netflix battling other well-known subscription services, such as Amazon Prime and Hulu, as well as newer ones, including Apple TV+, AT&T TV Now, Disney+, Sling TV, and T-Mobile TVision Home.

If you watch only a few movies or shows each month, it probably makes the most sense to opt for a pay-per-view service, such as Amazon Video, FandangoNow, or Vudu.

But if you watch a lot of programs or movies, or you’re looking to cut back on—or cut off—your pay-TV service, subscription services may be the best deal. They offer an all-you-can-watch buffet of streaming content, often at a price well below what most of us spend each month for pay TV.

It’s not easy to untangle your choices, though. This extensive guide to video streaming services should help. (We have advice on choosing a smart TV or a streaming media device, too.)

We’ll be adding new services as they emerge, so keep checking back for updates.